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Baldur's Gate 3
Baldur's Gate 3
5e Way of the Ascendant Dragon - Monk Subclass
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About this mod
Adds a 5e RAW faithful version of the Ascendant Dragon Monk subclass. I know this has been released before under the Alternate Monk mod, but I felt this still had a place as a RAW version of the subclass.
Permissions and credits
This mod officially supports progression to Level 20withExpansiononly. Moving forwardI will only be testing 13+ level functionality in all of my mods using Expansion.
For the best tabletop Monk experience in BG3 I highly suggest you also use one of the 5e Monk Adjustment mods:Monk 5e Adjustmentsor5eE Monk Rework.
Script Extender is a hard requirement for portions of this mod to work.
Improved UI is not accepting merges for custom Action Resource icons until Patch 7 drops. This mod has the icons made and ready, but they will not appear until the hold is lifted.
IMPLEMENTATION:Draconic Presence is a toggle that automatically activates during dialogues and allows you to use the benefit as Advantage on the roll. If you succeed the roll, it will not be usable again until long rest. Draconic Strikedamage is controlled by a series of Draconic Disciple toggles (one for each element) that you can freely switch between to change the effects of all elemental abilities in the subclass (noted below). This was done to save hotbar space and streamline things behind the scenes. Tongue of Dragons is not applicable in BG3 so it was not implemented.
IMPLEMENTATION: Rules as Written. Breath element is changed through the Draconic Disciple toggles. Please useExpansionto properly scale Martial Arts dice past 12th level. Recharge the ability using the spell on your hotbar. Visuals for the breath are intentionally done to reflect "draconic energy" in a more elegant way than a monk spewing a gullet full of acid blobs.
IMPLEMENTATION: Rules as Written. If the ability's toggle is on, you will gain flight when you Step of the Wind. IMPLEMENTATION: Rules as Written. Resistance aura element is changed through the Draconic Disciple toggles. BG3 Frightened blocks all movement - the Frightened effect for this ability is RAW and only blocks movement towards the source of the fear. Once you use this ability for the first time in a rest cycle, its use costs will automatically change to Ki.
IMPLEMENTATION: Rules as Written. Augment Breath will show as upcasts for your Breath of the Dragon ability. Blindsight with range rules has been nicely done already by drkekyllin their Tasha's Fighting Styles RAW mod, so in order to have this specific feature work, you will need their mod loaded as well. Explosive Fury works as an interrupt.
Special thanks toVladmirFFXIandDiZ91891 for their VFX guidance while I was figuring stuff out.
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1 Way Of The Open Hand Is The Strongest Monk Subclass
Without a doubt the most classic and reliable subclass, Way of the Open Hand is pretty much the first thing people imagine when they think of a fantasy monk. Open Hand Technique enhances Flurry of Blows with ways to knock back, knock down or prevent enemy reactions.
Monks who follow the Way of the Ascendant Dragon revere the power and grandeur of dragons. They alter their own ki to resonate with draconic might, channeling it to augment their prowess in battle, soar through the air, and to bolster their allies.
The best are Kensei, Open Hand and Mercy. Kensei lets you balance offense and defense and lets you set yourself up for the most busted gunslinger build if that's your cup. Open Hand just makes Monk more… Monk.
The Monk has a reputation as one of Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition's weakest classes. It lacks the hit points and damage of a Fighter, the utility of a Rogue, or the spellcasting of half the game's classes. More than being weak, the D&D 5e Monk is hard to build and pilot.
Warrior is by far the most popular and useful support job for Monk in almost every situation. All of the Warrior's abilities are powerful and aid Monks immensely in the damage department. Having Warrior equipped as a subjob allows a Monk to be one of the best damage dealers in the game.
The Monk and Rogue Subclasses Are Very Synergistic
Neither class is well-suited for the frontline, and both work well as skirmishers who target specific enemies. These synergistic elements have delineated rogue as one of the best multiclass options for the monk.
Learn more about each specialization options in our Tanking, Healing, and Melee DPS overviews. Although each specialization has strengths and weaknesses, we recommend Brewmaster as the best Monk leveling spec. Great survivability and healing coupled with area damage make this spec kill groups of mobs fairly easily.
Windwalker monks are a very easy spec to level with and can be powerful in killing single enemies or grouping them up and AOEing them down. Due to the strength of Afterlife, a Windwalker who uses all the tools we have and staggers the deaths of targets can be nearly invincible.
Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697
Phone: +2424755286529
Job: District Education Designer
Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling
Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.
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