Palladium-Item from Richmond, Indiana (2024)

Page 10 The Palladium-Item and Sun-Telegram, Richmond, Wednesday, Feb. 26, 1958 Training Birds Of Prey Odd New Westville Friends Plan Combined Service Fox And Wolf Hunts Aided By Airplane NOBLESVTLLE, Ind. (INS) A Only -Few Spanish-American War Veterans Left Of Original 116 Hobby Of Earlham Graduate NEW WESTVILLE. Ohio. In an Jim Fowler, who deepened his hibit them in John Hamlet's Birds of Prey at Ocala, Fla.

Fowler is a partner of Hamlet's. One of the interesting experiences Fowler recounts from his attempt to be of greater service to the community, a different concept of worship programming has been approved by the New Westville Friends church. The Sunday school has been made a part of the morning worship. The congregation will meet for singing and a message, then divide into smaller groups for study. interest in birds when he was a biology major at Earlham college, has turned his hobby into an unusual career which is gaining him international recognition.

The Albany, man, who graduated from Earlham in 1952, was Abnormal Protein Isolated; May Help In Arthritis Fight DALLAS, Feb. 25 Wl Two researchers today said isolation of an abnormal protein in the blood of arthritis sufferers may be a big step toward finding relief for tha ailment. The rese'archers are Dr. Morris Ziff, an associate professor of medicine at New York University, and Dr. Joseph LoSpalluto, his chief research assistant.

"Dr. LoSpallutdf recently was able to isolate this protein for the first time in the history of medical science," Dr. Ziff said in an interview, "These proteins, which we call the 'theuniatoid are the co-operatively owned airplane has enabled farmers of Hamilton and Boone counties to kill 93 foxes and wolves, who have destroyed much livestock and grain. The pilot, operating out of a clubhouse at Jolietville, spots the predatory animals, and then informs the farmers, who assemble for the kill. A few days ago, a pilot spotted a 37 -pound timber wolf and "agitated" the animal into a nearby field where a number of gunners made the kill.

It was the sixth wolf killed in Boone county this year. This combination does not seek to lessen the value of Sunday school African trip is his ''treatment" for pneumonia by a "witch doctor" who slashed Fowler's back and applied native herbs. After his graduation from the local college Fowler worked on the farm of his father, Earl Fowler, in Albany, Ga. He had been interested in the work of John Hamlet, whom he first met in Maryland. Later Fowler met Hamlet again on a trip to Florida in 1954 with Dr.

and Mrs. Markle and a By Fred S. Lord I Ten of the 14 remaining members of the local Denver Brown camp. No. 20, United Spanish War Veterans still are living in Richmond.

Not all of the members entered the Spanish-American war from the Richmond area. There also are some local veterans who do not belong to the post. There were 116 members of Richmond's Company of the 161st Indiana Volunteers who left here July 1, 1898 for Camp Mount in Indianapolis. The battleship Maine had been sunk Feb. 15, 1898 in Havana harbor, touching off the Spanish-American conflict.

Two hundred qr morning worship, it is hoped that both will be enriched by this special uniting of the two vital parts of church life. Meetings will begin at 10 a. m. and are to be completed by 11.30. featured with his birds of prey on a national television program Wednesday morning.

Fowler has just returned from South Africa where it is said he made "entertainment history" by flying five types of birds of prey at an exhibition in Somerset West, Cape Province, South Africa, in January. Among the birds was a Martial eagle, one of the largest eagles in the world. Fowler made his ap- Appropriately enough he was "Robin Hood" in the "big May day" in 1951. group of Earlham biology students. I The "Fowlers' are familiar names in Earlham.

The father and only lead we have to the cause of Jim Cope, curator of the Joseph! the disease," he said his i his five sons with this bird on are all Earlham pearaice Moon Planned By Air Force I graduates. Moore museum 'at Earlham, like i Dr. Ziff estimated that a cure Fowler, is also a falconer. for arthritis may be found within Jim Fowler was an outstanding student on the local campus star wrisi. During the African show six different varieties of birds of prey were together on the platform.

Some made their entrances from in Cope recalled that during Fow- 10 years, ler's student days at Earlham he 1 He and Dr. LoSpalluto are had three owls and two hawks. Dallas for a medical meeting. ring in football and serving as president of the Earlham senate. and sixty-six Americans went down with the ship.

A markei, dedicated on Sunday, May 12, 1929, still stands in Glen Miller park where it was erected through the efforts of the Denver Brown post. Paul Comstock. deceased, a former attorney, helped dedicate the marker. He had organized Richmond's company in the Spanish- i WASHINGTON (INS) The air force pTans to shoot a satellite into space early next year with the Atlas intercontinental ballistic missile. The launching is designed to fol a small balcony at the rear of the hall flying from the gauntlet of Heine Von Michaelis, a distinguished ornithologist and resident of Somerset West, over the audience to the wrist of Fowler, i Helping With Film Fowler captured many of the low an attempt late this year to birds in Barotseland in Central Africa he has been assisting in rriaking a film, "African Wild Palladium-Item Photo The tablet on the Glen Miller park marker commemorating the sinking of the Maine, Feb.

15, 1898, was erected through the efforts of the Denver Brown unit. It stands just south of the park office building. 713 MAIN ST. jJUfJUue) Where Prices ii Are Lower ALWAYS! M( mimm at cqdt mm American war. The present membership of the Denver Brown camp includes: Ben Heithaus, Elmer E.

Thompson, Robert Heun, Alonzo Grice, Harvey C. Petry, John Tieman, John Zurwell, Roy Norris, Fred Kersey and Carl Wadman, all living in Richmond. The other four living members are R. M. Johnson, Connersville William Zuttermeister, Cambridge City; John Penery, Van Nuys, and Jesse Bond, a Florida resident, Johnson is the present commander and Heithaus is the adjutant.

Named For Ohioan The Denver Brown camp, No. 20, United Spanish War Veterans, was named after Denver Brown of West Manchester Ohio. Mr. Brown fire an artificial moon of over 2,000 pounds with the intermediate range Thor. The two projects, it was learned, are part of the air force's advanced" reconnaissance system which would place long-range cameras into orbits over the Soviet Union.

The Defense department has approved the over-all concept of putting the "spies in the skies" but no decision has been made on attempts to launch the two-ton and one-ton satellites. The air force moons would far outweigh the army's 30-pound Explorer and Russia's 184-pound Sputnik I and Sputnik But some top Pentagon missilemen Life and Birds of Prey." He has trained falcons and other birds for television and films including Walt Disney's "Vanishing Prairie" aftd "Living Desert." He brought the birds from Central Africa in cardboard boxes by train to Somerset West where he was the guest of Michaelis. Fowler had become interested in Michaelis from reading a book he had written. The book was a gift from Mr. and Mrs.

Millard Markle, who had noted Fowler's interest in birds of all types. Fowler put his birds of prey the fact that the men were off to war. Both sides of the decorated Main street, with flags flying, were lined with people by 9 :30 o'clock the morning of July 1, 1898. Although the men and boys were leaving their homes and loved ones, they joined in the festivities as they marched four-abreast along the street from Glen Miller park to the railroad depot. According to accounts of the company's return "an enthusiastic welcome" was given the soldiers.

Account Of Welcome An account of the return in The Evening Item the night of May 3, 1899 said: "Captain Paul Comstock and his company were received today with through a daily rehearsal of two died of typhoid fever during his enlistment. It is uncertain as to the number of other living Spanish-American war veterans in 'the Richmond area. Not all of the members of the Denver Brown camp joined Company in Richmond, at the outbreak of the war, but became members here by settling locally in later life. The Spanish-American war lasted four months. In recent years the local post has met twice monthly at the courthouse, but in recent years the meetings have been farther and farther apart with fewer members being able to attend.

Four of the 51 charter members of the local post, Roy C. Norris, Harvey C. Petry, Alonzo Grice and John Zurwell, still are living. At one time the camp had 135 weeks before staging his South African show. The audience was Decorative Drama asked not to applaud because the noise might frighten the birds.

are said to be skeptical because of recent unsuccessful tests with both the Atlas and Thor. The two satellite schemes would involve the use of at least one additional rocket stage atop the basic missiles in order to attain The viewers co-operated until the climax of the performance when a great Fish eagle with a wing span of some seven feet flew over the mm MM mm jm heads of the audience to land with what was described as "elegant precision" on the gauntlet of Fow ler who was standing in a spot that glad welcome -and display of patriotism that came straight from the hearts of the people. The cheering crowds that greeted the boys upon their entrance into the railroad station and that was repeated and repeated upon the tri JERGEN'S LOTION ANACIN TABLETS COLDENE For Coughs VICK'S VAPO RUB William McKinley was president 83 88 72 56 umphal march through the streets of the United States during the SI. 00 Size $1.00 Size 73c Size light on the stage. At this point the audience could not keep their enthusiasm from bursting into applause, it was reported.

To Show Them In Florida The Earlham graduate has brought his African prize birds back to this country and will ex- 89c Jar fillffel834 Draw the speed needed to achieve an orbit. The navy's ill-fated Vanguard has been suggested for this purpose. The first satellites are understood to be designed to test component parts of photographic equipment which, when perfected, will take pictures over enemy territory and relay them back to earth over the U. S. Later models will use television and infra-red rays.

The advanced state of the project, known in military circles as the "Pied Piper," was disclosed Tuesday by Lt. Gen. D. L. Putt, air force chief of research and Spanish-American war and to this reminded one of the day the same 1 i Tt 1 company left Richmond for Camp day whenever two or more of the "old timers" who volunteered for Richest, creamiest ever never sticky or greasy.

Save 17c. Brings you relief for irritating coughs due to colds. Gives better total results in pain relief. Calms nervea. Medicates as it penetrates.

For coughs, colds, etc. the fighting get together discus sions wander from McKinley down to chow the men ate. Oldest Is 92 Thompson is the oldest living why pay more member of the local post. He is Feel Better Fast! BUILD UP IRON-POOR BLOOD Mount. "There was even more of the en thusiasm present "today than upon the occasion when the parting came.

There was a tinge of sadness to that day's demonstration that was not evident." The account continues that the parade from the railroad station to Fifth and Main streets was greeted by crowds all along the way. Judge Henry Fox gave the first formal greeting to the returning men; Following the return celebration 92 years old and Heithaus, who is fdEks confined to his home with illness, is the youngest at 75. He enlisted when, he was 16. Mayor Of Madison Dies At Age Of 53 MADISON, Ind. iB Mayor uiHKSJL.

WITH FORTEX LIVER EXTRACT A former member of the Denver Brown post, Jefferson Graves of Cambridge City, won the congressional medal of honor during fighting at San Juan Hill by rescuing one of his officers while under heavy fire. Mr. Graves died in unaries ri. vaugnn, 53, died in a hospital here Tuesday He the news story says "Ranks were broken for the last Desert Flower DEODORANT 89 time in the history of Company and the members gave themselves up to the attention of relatives and friends." $4 Bottle of 84 Capsules had entered the hospital Sunday for treatment of pneumonia. A Republican, he was serving his second term as mayor of Madison and represented fourth class cities on the board of directors of the Indiana Municipal League.

$1.00 Jar 50s 1944. It has been 60 years since these men took up arms for their country, exact dates have become vague in many instances and many times in talking tothem it is an effort for them to recall names. But they still remember the excitement that The modern new cream deodorant to give you 24 hr. protection. Save 50c.

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The CAA says it expects most airplane flights to be automatically controlled within four years. The system is said to make air trips safer and speedier. Ideal as centerpiece, place mats, dresser set. Design 834: crochet directions for 2 doilies, 30 and 19 inches in string; 22 and 13 in No. 30 cotton.

Stops Heart Gas 3 Times Faster Certified laboratory testt prove BUl-ANS tablets neutralize 3 timet as much stomach acidity in one minute as man leading digestive tablets Get BEU-ANS today for the fastest known relief. gripped the nation causing men like themselves to rally to the "popular war" and not one says he regrets his actions 60 years ago. "The battle was a long, long way off, but we didn't want it to come any closer," the men agree. Company of the 161st Indiana Volunteers left Richmond for Camp Mount in, Indianapolis July 1, 1898 and returned May 3, 1899 after 10 months of military war duty. A farewell parade bid goodbye to 35c Pkg.12 COMBS FREE! Send 33 centa Icolna) for this design.

Add 5 cents for each design for first-class mailing. Send to The Palladium-Item, 129 Needlecraft P. O. Box 164, Old Chelsea Station, New York 11, N. Y.

Print plainly design number, name, address and sore. As a bonus, two complete designs are printed right In our Laura Wheeler Needle-eraft Book. Dozens of other designs you'll want to order easy, fascinating handwork for yourself, your home, gifts, bazaar ttemg. Send 23 centf for your copy of this book today! With $1.25 4-oz. Jar "Charm Glo" Cream Come See this Sensational the company members as the loud SHAMPOO clanging of the fire bells and the "Sovereign" HOT WATER BOTTLES shrill tootings of dozens of whistles of factories aroused the people to NEW 1958 S1 $1.60 Value Reg.

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Palladium-Item from Richmond, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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