The Commercial Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

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Memphis, Tennessee

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-'(DCDMMEBCI AIL APPEAL YOL NO 57 llAOi HAMUilinV Ul MtatPTTTH TENN WEDNESDAY MORNING EEBRUABY 20 1808 PAGES FIVE CENTS IWrU Mrs Scott Hartje Fighting to Save Her Good Name NAVY CRITICS ARE WHIPPED JAPS NOT FOR PHILIPPINES FIGHTING TAKAHASHI TALKS NEGRO TROOPS RIOT BEAMED FORAKER GETS A DOGFALL SENATE COMMITTEE SAYS NEGROES HOT VP BROWNSVILLE SOUTHERN AND MEN DISAGREE ERDMAN ACT IS INVOKED RAILHOAD APPEALS TO COMMERCE COMMISSION OX WAGES MEN WILL NOT STAND FOR CUT flews Southern Railroad Company and men disagree Negro troops riot blamed Japs not for the Philippines Navy rritios are whipped 2 Continuation of navy scandal Germany wanta Uncle Sam's aid Indians are a dying race North River tunnel opened Country editors finish session Nashville Rates have been discriminatory Owens talks on currency 4 Assessment is $80741282 Fourth street to be paved I surgeon to organise Citizens to entertain railway agents 5 Jr hi wins his mandanTna suit Lima never aaw so much fan Editorial Society notes 8 County judges of Arkansas elect of ficers Arkansas news 9 Mississippi news Legislative af fairs 10 81iarp break in cotton Wheat scored a rise 11 Trading of jackknives in stocks Local markets -Classified advertisem*nts' Id Classified advertisem*nts 14 In the world of sports FORECAST FOR WEDNESDAY WASHINGTON Feb Forecast for Wednesday: Arkansas and Oklahoma Fair and colder Wednesday: Thursday fair Tennessee and Kentucky Fair and colder Wednesday and Thursday Alabama and Mississippi Fair and colder Wednesday and Thursday fresh northwest winds Louisiana and East Texas Fair Wednesday and Thursday fresh variable winds Matewro logical Report Memphis Tenn Feb 25 19UH 7 A SANFORD CASE PARALLELS THAW SENATE PROBE EFFECTIVE ADMIRALS DlflPdOVIS CHARGES AGAINST OVn BATTLESHIPS HOW REUTERDAHL GOT DATA ADMIRAL CONVERSE DOES SOF BELIEVE IT INSPIUED Man Who Bronght Up Charges Ha- 11 lg to Location of Araw Plato Below Water Line Still With Oar Converse Fays Respects to Slnao aad Hill Bpeclal to Tbe Commercial AppssL WASHINGTON Feb As a result of tbe first day of actual inquiry into the conditions of the United States battleships and cruisers today the members of the senate committee ou naval affairs expressed themselves as sat is fie I that tba Reuterdahi criticisms in monthly magazine were unwarranted nnd that the ships of the United States navy were among the best in the world Senator Perkins said at the conclusion of the session this afternoon tbat rhe thought the members of the committee should apologize to Rear Admiral Converse adviser to tbe board of construction for having kept him an the stand throughout the day to reply to questions raised by Heuterdnld Senator Hale chairman of the committee nodded assent "That te he said "bnt you will understand admiral that these criticisms were so broad and showed snch a familiarity with naval construction thnt It appeared necessary that they should be proven or denied lieyond nil shadow of donbt Otherwise they won Id raise a serious question as to tbe safety and efficiency of our navy both at home and Admiral Converse declared that he appreciated this situation and added that in his opiniou tbe American battleships were tlie finest and most effective afloit aud that tbe system of construction was by far the best of any country building large ships PERSONNEL OF SERVICE "The personnel of tbe men in tlio bureaus and the methods of administration are also superior to those of any other he added Senator Perkins said he was glad to hear this as the Renterdahl articles bad raised serious questions in his mind At this point Senator Martin in a joking manner suggested that if an island in the Pacific ocean barren enough could be fonnd sTbug the course of tbe battleship fleet in command of Rear Admiral Evans it might be well to order the admiral to leave the critic on the island The members laughed heartily Admiral Converse took np the Ren-tenfold charges one by one and submitted technical evidence to demonstrate that they were incorrect Tomorrow Rear Admiral Capps chief constructor of the navy is to be called before the committee to add bis testimony to that of Rear Admiral Converse Admiral Capps supported Admiral Converse in his testimony at one time today supplying him with figures with which to strengthen his argument THE REUTERDAHL CHARGES Admiral Converse introduced 1 is statement by commenting on the uterdahl article of the criticisms are unimportant others are so stated as to lie misleading and some are absolutely wrong said the admiral Referring to the construction of the battleship Illinois the admiral said bo regarded the vessel ns the best constructed ship of the three of that typo the Illinois Ohio and Wisconsin "The writer of this article states that the modern battleship is a simple thing I do not agree with him I consider It a very complex thing the most complex machiue that I know of is one statement of the writer with which I do not Senator Oallinger of New Hampshire asked Admiral Converse whether lie wee familiar with the experience of Henry Reuterdahi The admiral explained that the author of the magasine articles first cams to his attention when he was employed by the navy department to design a trophy to be awarded for target practice such he was given permission to visit the fleet at target he The design submitted by Reuteriahl ia accepted by the navy department "That was the first time his name waa er brought to hit Attention miq Aq Iral Converse he was ought to my attention by photograph bodying his views of tbs battleship of The admiral admitted that the nsvy itic had been in position to converse lelv with navy officers and obtain then aws In the Spanish war he had been ith the navy in Cuban waters as a news- Sen otor Tlhn inquired whether Ad-Iral Converse had reason to toll eve that it navy officer had contributed to the ARTICLES NOT INSPIRED Replying Admiral Converse said that he did not believe that the article was inspired He admitted however that the views as to construction advanced by tbo writer bad been similar to Ideas act forth in reports made by Lieutenant-Corn mander Sima and Lieutenant-Commander Hill He probably talked with men to whom these officers had talked concerning the contents of their reports The admiral admitted that Renterdahl is still aboard the Louisiana as a press representstive Mr Renterdahl get permission to go with tbe fleet after the article inquired Senator Martin the article appeared after the fleet had sailed" replirtl tbe admiral with a smile ACCIDENTS Rear Admiral Converse stoutly defeml-1 the construction corps of the navy aa jts recommendations for turret work nd declared that not one of the accidents list had occurred in the United States nvy has been dne to tlie open turret 'he accidents had all originated at the reeoh of tbe gun At the request of the committee he retted the circ*mstances connected with lie explosions on the Massachusetts the liasouri the Kearsarge and the Georgia The was responsible for met ot these accidents He explained ist this danger had lccn guarded against a device to force the gas or vajicr re-ponsihle for the "flare buck out of tbs un Immediately after firing This gss or THHir which tunned in the un after the shot was fired escaped li rough the breech and igniting niton sa clung the air caused an explosion Continued on Page 2 First Column JAPAN TOO POOR TO BUY AND HOLDING WOULD BE UNWISE NOT LEAST DANGER OF WAR DIFFICULTIES ON PACIFIC COAST ARE MOSTLY IMAGINARY Immigrants Jealoas of laflax of Allens to United States aad Have Stirred Up -Emigration Restrictions of Japan Will Settle Qaestloa Toklo Professor Says Special to The Onmmervla! Appeal NEW YORK Feb Hakuyei Taka-hnaki one of tbe seven professors of the Imperial University of Tokio who drafted the famous memoranda advising the emperor of Japan to make war on Itnssia is visiting New York eu route around the world on a mission of peace After passing four months in the United States during which he investigated tbe immigration problem and the conditions which were productive of tbe anti-Jnpnnese feeling on the Pacific ront Prof Takabaslii contends that war between Japan and the United 8tatf is an ntter impossibility Japan stands ready he asserts to extend a royal welcome to the Pacific fleet if that battleship armada will continue ka cruise to the mikado's shores War talk he adds is -but a passing agitation attempted by the jingo and the daiua-gngne Further Prof Takahashi states tbat Japan aims to maintain the policy iu Manchuria and denies that bis country has any desire to obtain possession of the Philippines Prof present tonr of the world hns for its object the stmiying of international conditions with a view to acquiring knowledge which may aid in preventing future international misunderstandings AGITATION OF WAR When seen at the Hotel Majestic today Takahashi said: "I find in some quarters in your country an impression that a few political parties in Japan are agitating war with the United States That impression is ntteriy wrong AH Japan is firm in the belief that no serious trouble can arise between onr country and tbe United States Here it is true I have heard talk of possible hostilities bnt I am sure that that talk was wholly in irresponsible quarters The real sentiment iu America as I find it carries a strong friendship for my country and I am sure that sentiment is reciprocated there among all classes of people I found for instance that the difficulties on tbe Pacific coast were far more imaginary thnn real Other immigrants seemed to be jealous of the Japanese and that led to friction and trivial difficulties which when the labor nniona took cognizance of them were much magnified' by sensational newspapers I am sure that with the restrictions the Japanese government is preparing to enforce- in this matter there will be no ground for further trouble JAPAN IS POOR for as the' Philippines are concerned Japan does not want them In the first place we ara too poor to buy them jnst now Then too if we con-id get the islands their holdings would seriously derange onr economic HUNDRED PER CENT DIVIDEND Nargas to Separate Ills Bsskisg aad Speealatloa Business Special to The Commercial Appeal NEW YORK Feb As his last act before sailing for Europe Pierpnnt Morgan today joined with his fellow directors of the First National Bank in announcing a formal dividend of $10000-000 and the separation of the banking and speculation business of the institution for tbe fntnre Stockholders will not receive the $10000000 bnt it will be paid by the bank into the treasury of tbe First Security Company which will lie organized if the stockholders agree Its stock Is to be held by six trustees and the profits paid to the bank's stockholders This is equivalent to a 100 per cent dividend in form only It te not stated whether the bank will turn over actual cash to the new company or securities now held If securities are turned over it will make a material difference whether they are turned over at cost or at tbe present market price MARRIED AFTER JILTED Memphis Brother of St Lools Bride May Contest Father's Will Special to The Commercial Appeal SPRINGFIELD Mo Feb Rev Pike of Morrisville Mo a widower with two children who was jilted at the altar three weeka ago by Miss Hattie Brooks of this city came here last night obtained a marriage license and the couple were married in the greatest secrecy The church of which Miss Brooks is a member had been decorated for her -wedding when she announced its indefinite postponement At the death of her father all his $40000 estate had reverted to her her two brothers being left $1 each One of the sons lives in Memphis Tenn while the other resides here They according to reports stated they would contest the will should she evar get married HAS RELIGION FOR SALE legro Free Will Baptists Want Their Pastor Enjoined From Hold-Inc Services Peter Sykes a negro and eleven other members of the Freewill Baptist church filed an injunction bill against tlieir pastor the Rev XV XV Whiton in the chancery court yesterday by which they seek to prevent him from holding services aa they allege that be te "simply selling religion at the rate of 50 cents per The trustees of the chnrch bought a lot at Second street and Looney avenue securing a deed to it bnt Whiton got possession of the deed through a suit in- a magistrate's office and is now al-j leged to be running the chnrch and congregation in a high-handed manner CHILLICOTHE GOES DRY b1 to Tbe Commercial Appeal 1ILL1COTHE Mo Feb This went dry todiy by 237 majority dry carried three out of the four The ward carried by the wets dna nearly the entire negro popula- CANT IDENTIFY THE GUILTY FIVE SUBSTITUTES BY FORAKER ARE VOTED DOWN Majority of Rtfsbllcsoi Isrvort the Ohio Serna Fight Will Bo Car le4 to Floor of Mqeiag Was Report Will Not Be Made for Tea Days WASHINGTON Feb That the snooting in tbe affray at Brownsville Tex- on the night of Aug 13-14 19UU was done by some of the negro soldiers of the Twenty-fifth infantry and that the testimony taken before the senate committet on military affairs fails to identify the gnilty parties is the opinion of eight members of the committee Four members of the committee voted against this decision and one member did not vote The resolution declaring the gnilt of the negroes was submitted by Senator Lodge and was adopted after five resolutions by Senator Fornker one by Senator DnPont and one by Senator Scott all of which were offered as substitutes had lfeen voted down The vote today was reached after prolonged investigation extending over two sessions of congress Practically every negro of the three companies of infantry dishonorably discharged by President Roosevelt testified in his own behalf while evidence 'in support of the president was given by many army officers and citizens of Brownsville FORAKER WILL FIGHT Throughout the entire controversy which in many sections of the connrry has been made a political issue tlie opposition to tbe president's order discharging the troops has been directed by Senator Foraker In the fiual vote in the committee a majority -of the Republican members came to his support The Ohio senator expressed himself as gratified at this aa it was apparent from the outset that all of the Democratic members were convinced tbat the negroes did the shooting The- fight will tie carried to the floor of the senate The reports of the committee will not be made for about ten days as Senator Warner who conducted the examination of witnesses on behalf of the administration will be absent from Washington for that period After the reports have-been made to the senate it is said Senator Foraker will press the matter to a vote there -If he shonld secure the same proportion of the Republican members of the senate as he had in the committee the vote will bo closer than has been anticipated MERTIXG WAS HARMONIOUS The Ohio senator proposes also to introduce a bill to restore to the milir tary service snch of the discharged negroes as were shown beyond a reasonable doubt to have been innocent of any offense connected with the affray -The committee was in session today for nearly three hours and the meeting was in the main harmonious Practically the only passages at arms were of a parliamentary nature The line-up was defined so clearly that the senatora wasted no time in trying to change each other's views Senator Lodge offered a resolution as follows: "That in the opinion of this Committee the shouting affray in Brownsville on the nighp of Aug 13-14 10 6 was done by Mime of the soldiers belonging to the Twenty-fifth United States infantry then stationed at Fort Brown Senator Foraker 'offered aa a substitute the following: ALIGNMENT UNBROKEN testimony wholly fails to identify the individuals or any of them who participated in tbe shooting The Foraker snbstitnte was defeated by a vote of 8 to 5 the affirmatives being: Scott Foraker Hemenway Bulke-ley gnd Dupon The negative votes were: Warren Lodge Werner Taliaferro Foster Overman Frasier and McCreary The test five named are Democrats The alignment substantially gras the same on most of the substitutes offered Tbe Lodge resolution formally was adopted by tbe same decision except that Senator Dupont did not vote making three Republicans and five Ilemocrats in favor of supporting the discharge of the negroes and four Republicans of record against it The other Foraker substitutes were as follows: A FEW SUBSTITUTES "The testimony wholly fails to show that the discharged soldiera of the Twenty-fifth United States infantry or any of them entered into any agreement or so- called conspiracy of silence or that they had among themselves any understanding of any nature to withhold any in formation of which they or any of them might be possessed concerning the shooting Five senators voted for and eight against the resolution "The testimony is so contradictory and much of it so unreliable that it is not sufficient to sustain the charge that soldiers of the Twenty-fifth United States infantry or any of them participated in the scooting Tlie 'affirmative votes were four and the negative nine Senator Dupont joining the latter I ASKS REINSTATEMENT weight of the testimony shows that none of the soldiers of the Twenty-fifth' United States infantry participated in the shooting Only Senators Foraker and Rnlkeley voted for this resolution and eleven senators opposed it The final substitute offered by Senator Foraker declined that tbe testimony sboweathat the discharged men lind good records as soldiers and that it is tlie dnty of congress to pass legislation providing for their reinstatement in the army It was defeated by five years and eight nays i WOMAN DROWNS IN CISTERN tfclMres Flad Mother's Body Wkn i They Awake la Morsisg Special to The (ommerrUl Appeal HUNTINGDON Tenn Feb Mrs Bettie Ridley' a respected widow of McKenzie committed suicide by drowning herself in an old -cistern Her body was fonnd floating on top of the water of the cistern by her children who had missed the mother when they arose iMrs Ridley had tied her apron about head and jnmped into the cistern wich was nearly fnil of water Her shfies were found by tlie side of the cistern She had been in poor health and her rash act is attributed to this 8hf leaves four children- PItESIDEXT ISSUES STATEMENT RELATIVE TO CONTROVERSY Bfaissisf et CbbisIss sf Railroads Which Will Mark Ellaslaatloa af Mrs la Matter af Wage Dispates' aad Pat Matter af Adjudication I'paa GsTtraaest Officials WASHINGTON Feb Because of a failure to reach an agreement iu re-lect to the matter of a reduction of wages of the employers of the Southern Railway Company the negotiations have been broken off and President Finley announce that he will carry the case to tlie interstate commerce commission and to Commissioner of Labor Neill under tbe-Erdmann act President Finley today gave out a statement in which be expressed confidence that there will yet be an amicable adjustment of the controversy ami expresses regret that the men cannot see their way clear to accept the wage scale which' the management ana offered The Intended action of the Southern Railway in seeking the mediation of the interstate commerce commission and the commissioner of labor is regarded as marking the beginning of a campaign upon the part of the railroad when snch controversies arise to seek adjustment in that manner rather than to negotiate with their employes President statement follows: AMICAHLE ADJUSTMENT Onr employes working under contract having declined onr proposition in regard to 4 reduction in wages we still feel confident that there should be an amicable adjustment and do not propose to proceed in any arbitrary way have notified our employes of onr regret that they cannot at the present time see their way clear to accept the suggestions as to the wage scale which the management considers imperatively necessary under existing conditions ana have stated to them that we will ask the mediation of the chairman of the inter- state commerce commission and the commissioner of labor under section two of the Erdmann act section provides that in any controversy concerning wages which threatens to interrupt the bnsinese of an interstate carrier either party may ask the intervention of the chairman of the interstate commerce commission and the commissioner of labor and require the officiate named to put themselves into commnnicaton with all practicable ex- pedition with the parties to the controversy and nae their best efforts by mediation and conciliation to bring about an amicable adjustment of the questions st CHAIRMAN KNAPP TALKS The application of the Southern for a settlement of the controversy between it and its employes wns received here late this evening by Chairman Knapp of the interstate commerce commission and Labor Commissioner Neill Tonight Mr Knapp said: have no knowledge here of the merits or details of the controversy It lias of course been published recently that there was a dispute between the Southern road and its employes over the question of reduced wages and it is assumed that this is the issue to he settled It is probable that Mr Neill and I will consider the application ALARY CUT DENIED Special to The Commercial Appeal RICHMOND Va Feb: 25-Receiv-era for the Seaboard Air Line Railway Company their eonnsel and Judge Jeter Frit cliard of the United States circuit court of appeals after a lengthy conference in this city today decided that there shall be no reduction in the salaries of employes of the Seaboard WAGE CUT NECESSARY Raarr Clews Soya Railroad Outlook Not Preaslsluff Special to The Commercial Appeal PITTSBURG Pa Feb 23 A general reduction eg wages In all the great railroads and industries is absolutely necessary This assertion was made here tonight by Usury Clews the New York banker la an address before the Pittsburg chapter of tbe American Institute of Banking lowering of he said "has become absolutely necessary tor they are atlll at the high figures to which they were ashed daring the long period of pme- Cirity The tabor unions should recognise Is at once and reduce their wage scales and not wait nntll they are forced to yield It is one of tbe great remedies that the situation now calls tor "Workmen Should not forget that a half a loaf Is better tbgn no bread and by accepting reduced wages they are paving the ay to better times tor themselves as well as for the SINS OF THE RAILROADS Both Political Parties Predicate Platforms oa Questloa NEW YORK Feb 25 The underlying cause of nil the "general Indiscriminate abases of tbe railways and their and of tbe "paralytic which they have suffered was attributed by Truesdaie president of tbe Delaware Lackawanna and Western railroad today to the alleged plans of the great political parties to make the sins of tbs railroad tbs leading political Issne of tbe coming campaign This statement was mads by Mr Truesdaie in bis annual report to the stockholders of tbe road declared that the ontlook for railway earnings In 1908 Is anything bnt encouraging Opinion ns to the causes of existing conditions differ widely be said bnt there has "been engendered a widespread distrust of the management and standing and the soundness of all tbe railways of tbe country" Cootinning he said: "With great foresight and shrewdness those who have planned and are responsible tor this political programme have alienated from tbe railways the chief political influence that they might and should bare every reason to expect would use their Influence to protect them against campaign of this kind tbelr own employes This has been accomplished by the passage of certs tin laws governing the hours of service wages conditions of employment generally and other more far-reaching hare been promised and are now pending" BUCKET SHOPS MUST CO GUTHRIE Oklit Feb The house today passed the bill prohibiting the operation of bucket shops and deai-in futures Maximum temperatdre 51 degrees minimum temperature 43 degrees Wednesday Feb 26 Sun rises 6:33 'dock aun acts 5:53 o'clock 8 EMERY Local Forecaster WORK HUMILIATING Sailor Who Had to Work la Kestaar-aat Gate Damages A jury in Judge division of the circuit court decided yesterday that a I man who has sailed before the meat is humiliated to the extent of $250 by working for two weeks in a restaurant Last January Dubose Jr a son of Judge Dnboae arrived in New York penniless For a year he had been in the of a coasting schooner He gave np his berth when the vessel reached New York and telegraphed home for funds bnt none were forthcoming After tramping the streets hungry for a few days he got a job as waiter in a restaurant Judge Dubose claimed that he answered his eon's telegram as soon as it was received aad sent money to him bnt that the company failed to deliver the message He filed a salt against the Western Union alleging thattbe young feelings were hurt by the restaurant experience COL THOS GALE VERY ILL Prawlarat Mewyhlaa Now-at Biloxi Shows No Improvement Spedal to The Commercial Appeal BIlAJXI Mies Feb 25 Contrary to what was hoped for some ten days ago and shortly after ha was stricken down with an attack of acute indigestion the condition of CoL Thomas Gale of Memphis who is at the Biloxi sanitarium is not improving Dr Manry of Memphis arrived here yesterday and called to see Col Gale in the hope that he as his family physiciap and an old friend might be able to help him There is not mnch hope however that Col Gale now 92 years of age will recover Reports from his bedside are that be held his own last night and today but that he is very low Col Gale la one of the moat prominent cirlsens of Memphis where he has lived fofr many years lie is a member of the Lemmon it Gale Co engaged in the wholesale dry goods business During the latter part of hie life he has devoted much of his time to travel accompanied by bis daughter Mrs Adeline Gale-Horne who is now with him and who is his only near relative Dr Maury returned to Memphis today JURORS FLIPPED COIN Now Each One of Them Moat Pay a Floe mt $50 NEW YORK Feb Justice Guy in the New York supreme court set 'aside the verdict of a jury today and fined twelve jnrymen $50 each for deciding the verdict by the flip of a coin Tbe case was a suit brought against the New York City Railway Company for damages in causing the death of a child The jury brought in a verdict in favor of the railway company The evidence in the case seemed to Justice Gny to be so much apart from the verdict that he asked the foreman of the jnry how such a verdict had been arrived at The foreman told the justice that they had agreed on their finding by the toss of a coin The justice then said to the jurors tbat they had violated their oaths and committed contempt of court He imposed the fine and ordered their names stricken from the jqry list RESULTS IN LOUISIANA Lambremont Seems to Be Winner in Second Primary NEW ORLEANS La Feb 25 Returns of the second primary np to 1 urn indicate tlie nomination of Lam-bremont of St James for lientennnt-gov-ernor Walter Gnion of Assumption for atiorney-reneral Paul jCapdeville of New Orleans for auditor and A Crandall of New Orleans for register of the land office Crandall's nomination is the only one about which there is serious donbt because he polled a smaller proportion of the riy vote than the other three favored candidates of the city Card leaders while hta opponent Fred Grace of Iberville polled a much heavier country vote than the other losing candidates -Tbe parishes still unheard from will give both Bailey and Grace heavy majorities but it is donbtful except In the case of Grace whether they will be able to overcome the heavy lead in the city EDWARD HART DRAMATIC STORY ACCUSES HIS SISTER-IN-LAW INDICTMENT AGAINST ALLEGED CO-RESPONDENT EXCLUDED Deposition of Witness Giving the Woman Good Name A Great Crowd Attends Plttsbnrg Trial Special to Tbs Commercial Appeal PITTSBURG ra Feb 25 A victory was scored today by August Ilartje who together with John Welslions and Clifford Ilnoe the former negro coachman of the Hartje family te on trial for conspiracy to ruin the reputation of Sirs Mary Scott Hartje when tbe Hartje lawyers sncceeded in securing the exclusion of tbe indictment under which Ilooe is now serving a sentence of seven years for perjury in a deposition alleging Improper relations with Mrs Hartje Each a detective testified today that he had been employed to shadow Hooe and that Welshona had censured him for not knowing of a meeting which Welshona declared had been held by Hone with Mrs Hartje William Battles a negro porter declared that Hooe told him he was mixed up in the Ilartje case and was lie-ing paid to keen out of the city Detective Albert Cnolmondeler testified that Ilooe said Mrs Hartje was a good woman and that be was sorry be had told lies about her BIG CROWD THERE Long lief ore the doors of the courtroom were opened a mob of people clamored for admission An extra force of police was present and no one was allowed to enter except those having business with tlie court When court convened Attorney Ache-son for Mrs Hartje offered certain statements contained in the divorce suit filed by Hartje The precipe of Hartje filed Oct 27 1905 was also offered in evidence Tlie offerings bore on Ilartje' allegations of infidelity on the part of his wife A long and animated discussion between counsel followed ending in the court admitting the documents The deposition of Ilooe denying intimacy with Mrs Hartje bnt which baa never been filed in court was also admitted as evidence over Attorney Ferguson's objection Tbe court also admitted a statement which Attorney Edward Hartje brother of the accused secured from Hooe reflecting on the character of Mrs Hartje The testimony of Ilartje's' brother was dramatic SAWS WAY OUT OF WRECK Carpenter Caught Under Fallen Wall Rescues Himself and Companion NASHVILLE Tenn Feb 25 Ephraim Hill and Wo Scarbrough employes of Jas Howell a contractor were canght by a section of the wall of the Nashville 8pring and Mattress Company which fell into shop this afternoon the building having been badly damaged by fire Saturday Scarbrough had a aaw in his hand when the cash came and sawed himself out Hill managed to crawl ont though badly bruised Abont $4000 damage was done in the carpenter shop SECOND THAW TRIAL CHEAP Tbe Total Expense of tbe Hearing Aaoaatcf te $4303 Special to The Commercial Appeal NEW YORK Feb 25 Capt William Ricketts in charge of juries in the supreme court' who had personal charge of the Thaw jnry dnring the second trial today received all the bills for expenses incurred by the jnry the total being $4302 This was divided as follows: The Knickerbocker Hotel charged for tbe twenty rooms occupied and meals furnished with all incidentals $3220 the iiem of carriage hire for the trips to and from the criminal courts' bnilding amounted to $613 and the downtown lunches cost $439 BROOKLYN LAWYER IS SHOT ALLEGED THAT HE DRUGGED WOMAX ASSAILANT Sister of Miss Jraale Riant Tells Story of Her Rain at Hands of Charles Woaaded Man Can Not Reeovrr Special to Tbe Commercial Appeal NBW YORK Feb Justifying the shooting of Charles Sanfon a leading Brooklyn lawyer by Miss Jennie Blunt this morning Mrs II Tuttle a sister of tlie pretty girl who mey have to anawer for Sanford's murder tonight told a story to parallel which one mnst hark back to the amaxiug recital of Florence Evelyn Thaw With a bullet in his brain Sanford lies hi Seney Hospital hovering between life and death llis wife is by his bedside and ministering to him is one of his daughters who is a nurse in the Institution The operation of trepanning was resorted to late this afternoon as a desperate means of saving his life bnt the attending' physicians hold out little hope Jennie Blunt a nervous mental a no' physical wreck la locked up in police lies dquart era "I am glad I killed she cried not knowing that Sanford is still alive "I will answer to my God for mr It is admitted on nil sides that the reason is shattered Sanford and his friends maintain that her insanity alone prompted the shooting Her relatives bitterly lamenting that the mans' death was not instantaneous assert that his inhumanity drove her mad A FATAL MEETING This afternoon In her home in Brooklyn Mrs Tuttle Jennie Blunt's stater told the story When the reporter made known the object of his call sne cried: "My God it has happened at last I have been expecting Jennie to slmot Mr Sanford for the past three weeks He deserved it If he is not dead it is a Eity What my sister has suffered at his ands was enough to drive any-woman to commit murder "Seven years ago Jennie was one of the prettiest and nicest girls in Monnt Vernon She came down to Brooklyn one- day to visit me- and on her retnrn to take her train she met Sanford Ho enltivated her acquaintance and got her to come down from Monnt Vernon and visit him in his office CLAIMED SHE WAS DRUGGED of the side rooms in his office is fitted up like a studio Thera Is never any sunlight in it lie has a lamp burning there all the time with a red shade 'over it: there te a conch in the room a lot of Eastern ornaments rugs cushions and pictures He hns liquor there that be used to give her to drink I xmg after their first meeting I was there with her one day and he gave her some of the stuff and it affected her He tried to get another of my sisters to drink it but she refused: and then Jennie who was trying to get away from him and had been to the police court three times to have him arrested took me by 'the arm and begged me to go to conrt with her "I don't know why I didn't go Long before that be had visited her in Mount Vernon she told me He had drugged her there lie drugged her all the time For five years she was stupefied most of the time with drugs That was the way he maintained hia influence over HEINZE SETTLEMENT Three Million Indebtedness of the Financier to Re Liquidated Special to Tbe Commercial Appeal NEW YORK Feb 25 Creditors of A Heinxe are' considering a proposal made by him for the settlement of his indebtedness which is said to bo somewhat under $3000000 all secured by collateral of various kinds The largest Uem amounting to $1200000 is due the Gould-Croinwell interests in connection with this Mercantile National Bank deal Heinxe purchased 8000 shares of the lock of that bunk from Edwin Gould and his associites for which be anted to pay $325 share and did pay $50 per hare in cash Ilia stock was taken bark liy the Gould party at $125 a share leaving a deficit of $1200000 on that account.

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.